Chaverot: Women of Judea
We welcome the women of our congregation and our community to Chaverot. Affiliated with Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, we get together, often two or three times a month, to participate in various activities both in and out of our synagogue.

This year some of us have been needle-pointing hamsas while others attended workshops where they baked challah and made strudel. We have gone on adventures to Koreshan State Historic Park, the Octagon Wildlife Sanctuary, and The Historic Arcade Theater. We have been enjoying our “You Asked for It” program where our members ask for a monthly gathering at a specific restaurant. A workshop where we will make glass jewelry is in the works, as well as a special presentation in March by renowned artist Myra Roberts.
In addition to these activities, it is our pleasure to provide financial support to our congregation by funding various needs throughout the year.
We welcome your support; most important, we welcome your friendship and participation.
To contact the ladies of Chaverot, please email that at tjchaverotfortmyers@gmail.com
Tree of Life
Please think of your family and friends with a plaque on the Temple Judea Tree of Life. Honor someone for an accomplishment. Remember someone’s memory.
You can purchase a leaf for $50.00 or a large 5x6 plaque for $500.00 or anywhere in between.
All proceeds support Chaverot.
Interested? Want more information? Contact Jan Klein at purrcy@aol.com or 239.823.9452.